The film is a sequel to the Human Centipede (the first sequence), but takes a different approach. It focuses on Martin, a mentally disturbed man obsessed with the first film. He becomes fixated on creating his own" Human Centipede, " capturing and surgically connecting people together in a grotesque way.
Unlike the first film, which had a more clinical and sterile atmosphere, the second Human Centipede was shot in black and white and has a bolder and more disturbing aesthetic. It emphasizes the filthiness and depravity of Martin's actions.
Controversy: the film was highly controversial upon its release due to its graphic depiction of violence, sexual assault, and bodily functions. Censorship issues have been encountered in many countries.
It is important to understand that this film is not for everyone. It is very graphic and annoying, and it will probably be annoying for many viewers.
If you are interested in exploring extreme horror or transgressive cinema, you may find this film of interest. However, if you are sensitive to graphic violence or disturbing content, it is better to avoid it.