Jack The Giant Slayer is a 2013 American fantasy adventure film directed by Bryan Singer and starring Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson, Stanley Tucci, Ian McShane, Bill Nighy, and Ewan McGregor. 1 it is a reimagining of the classic fairy tale " Jack and the Beanstalk."The film tells the story of Jack, a young farmer who accidentally opens a portal between the human world and the race of giants. When the Giants begin to conquer the kingdom, jack, along with a princess, a warrior and a veteran soldier, must find a way to stop them.
Visual effects: the film features amazing visual effects, especially in the depiction of giants and their World.
Action and adventure: the film is full of exciting action sequences, including battles between humans and Giants.
Starry cast: the film features talented actors, including Nicholas Hoult, Eleanor Tomlinson and Ewan McGregor.
Reimagining a classic story: the film puts a new twist on the classic fairy tale, making it attractive for both children and adults.